守文化之重 创时代之新 中华优秀传统文化艺术家——吴德才

导读:作者:陈文军 艺术简介 吴德才:原总政直属军级单位干部,著名军旅书画家,业余勤奋钻研中华古籍诗书,其画、书、诗、篆博采众长、兼收并蓄,尤擅草书,国画作品纳古出新、工...



吴德才:原总政直属军级单位干部,著名军旅书画家,业余勤奋钻研中华古籍诗书,其“画、书、诗、篆”博采众长、兼收并蓄,尤擅草书,国画作品纳古出新、工写结合、中西兼容,不断拓宽了中国花鸟画艺术创作领域的新视野。经过40余载书画创作的沉淀,其作品俊雄清刚,风神秀发,逐渐形成个人风格。其造诣深厚的书画作品先后五十多次在中国文联、中国书协、中国美协、西泠印社主办的国际国内国家级展赛中荣获大奖。部分作品入编《中国当代实力派书画代表作典库》、《盛世双璧》等书籍,或被碑林勒石、博物馆、纪念馆及国内外诸多文博单位收藏。多幅作品还被加拿大、美国、法国、日本等外国友人收藏, 或被选送新加坡、韩国、日本、巴西等国展出。现为中国书法家协会会员、中国收藏家协会会员、中国徽派书画院院士、海峡书画院院长、福建省文化产业发展促进会名誉会长、福建省诚信书画艺术院研究员、福建省客家企业商会顾问。



1992年 入展 怀素书艺研讨会暨草行书作品展览.

1993年 入展 北京·奥林匹克·第一届国际绘画书法艺术大展

1994年 入展 全国第一届正书大展

1994年 作品被中国国际文学艺术作品博览会评审委员会认定为书画类特别等级

1995年 荣获 中国首届“书圣杯”国际书画大赛铜奖.

1996年 入展 全国第二届楹联大展 中国书协主办

1998年 入展 “中国黄河魂艺术大展”

1999年 入展 全国第一届扇面书法艺术大展

1999年 入展并入集 纪念孔子诞辰2550年书画大展.

1999年 荣获 “华清杯”《长恨歌》全国书画大赛 一等奖.

2000年 入展 “新世纪全国中国画、书法精品大展”

2003年 荣获 第一届“羲之奖”全国书法篆刻大赛金奖.

2003年 入展 “敦煌杯”全国书法大赛入展“敦煌美术馆建馆五周年书画家作品邀请展”

2003年 入展 “全国百名书家写《兰亭》” 并编入《全国百名书家写〈兰亭〉作品集》

2005年 入展 “全军中国书法家协会会员优秀作品展” (中国美术馆展出)

2005年 荣获 第二届“杏花村汾酒集团杯”全国电视书法大赛一等奖


2006年 荣获 中国第四届特殊奥林匹克运动会“情系特奥会,爱心满中华”书画大展银奖

2006年 荣获 中国"甲骨风"书画艺术大展一等奖 被殷都文化艺术研究院特聘为研究员.

2006年 入展西泠印社首届手卷、楹联、扇面书法大展

2007年 荣获 第八届桂林·台湾海峡两岸书画名家邀请展金奖

2007年 荣获 首届米芾杯全国书画展览书法类 一等奖 并被授予“中国古文化优秀传承者”荣誉称号

2008年 荣获 2008庆祝北京奥运纪念 金奖 作品被刻在2008米长的奥运庆祝纪念碑上,本人被选为2007—2008年度中华人物。

Wu Decai: a cadre of the military level units directly under the General Administration, a famous military calligrapher and painter. He studied Chinese ancient poetry and calligraphy diligently in his spare time. His "painting, calligraphy, poetry, seal script" are all inclusive, and he is good at cursive script. His works of traditional Chinese painting absorb the ancient and bring forth new ideas. The combination of work and writing, and the compatibility of Chinese and Western painting have constantly broadened the new vision of Chinese flower and bird painting art creation. After more than 40 years of calligraphy and painting creation precipitation, his works are handsome and strong, elegant hair, gradually forming a personal style. His calligraphy and painting works with profound attainments have won awards in international and domestic national exhibitions and competitions sponsored by China Federation of literary and art circles, China Calligraphers Association, China Artists Association and Xiling Seal Engravers society. Some of his works have been included in the collection of representative works of contemporary powerful school of Chinese calligraphy and painting, Shuangbi of flourishing age, etc., or collected by stele forest, museums, memorial halls and many cultural and Museum units at home and abroad. Many of his works have been collected by foreign friends such as Canada, the United States, France and Japan, or sent to Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Brazil and other countries for exhibition. He is now a member of China Calligrapher Association, member of China collectors association, academician of Hui Style calligraphy and Painting Academy of China, President of Taiwan calligraphy and painting academy, honorary president of Fujian Cultural Industry Development Promotion Association, researcher of Fujian Chengxin calligraphy and painting art academy, and consultant of Fujian Hakka enterprise chamber of Commerce.

Artistic achievements:

Wu Decai's works have won many awards

In 1992, huaisu Calligraphy Seminar and cursive calligraphy works exhibition

In 1993, Beijing Olympic · the first international painting and calligraphy exhibition

In 1994, it entered the first National Book Exhibition

In 1994, his works were recognized as a special class of calligraphy and painting by the evaluation committee of China international literature and art works Expo

In 1995, he won the bronze prize in the first "Holy Grail of calligraphy" international calligraphy and painting competition

In 1996, it entered the second national couplet exhibition and was sponsored by China Calligraphy Association

"China Yellow River Soul Art Exhibition" in 1998

In 1999, it entered the first national fan calligraphy art exhibition

In 1999, it was incorporated into the exhibition to commemorate the 2550th anniversary of Confucius' birthday

In 1999, he won the first prize of "Huaqing Cup" national painting and calligraphy competition

In 2000, he entered the "National Exhibition of Chinese painting and calligraphy in the new century"

In 2003, he won the gold medal of the first Xizhi Award National Calligraphy and seal cutting competition

"Dunhuang Cup" national calligraphy competition in 2003

In 2003, it entered the exhibition "Orchid Pavilion written by 100 calligraphers in China" and was included in the collection of works written by 100 calligraphers in China

"Excellent works exhibition of members of Chinese Calligraphers Association of the whole army" in 2005

In 2005, it won the first prize of the second "Xinghua village Fenjiu Group Cup" national TV calligraphy competition

He was awarded the title of "2005 Chinese calligraphy and painting figure of the year", and was awarded the honorary title of "2005 Chinese calligraphy and painting master"

In 2006, he won the silver award of "love the Special Olympics, love China" exhibition of the fourth special Olympic Games

In 2006, he was awarded the first prize of "jiagufeng" calligraphy and painting exhibition

In 2006, the first hand scroll, couplet and fan calligraphy exhibition of Xiling Seal Engravers society was exhibited

In 2007, he won the gold award of the 8th Guilin Taiwan Strait calligraphy and painting masters invitation exhibition

In 2007, he won the first prize of the first MiFu cup national calligraphy and painting exhibition, and was awarded the honorary title of "excellent inheritor of Chinese ancient culture"

In 2008, he won the gold medal for commemorating the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. His works were engraved on the 2008 meter long Olympic commemorative monument. I was selected as the Chinese figure of 2007-2008.


Wu Decai, a civilian artist, has always been dressed in plain clothes, whether walking in the crowded streets or standing in the high-end and elegant art palace. He has neither exaggerated beard nor surprising long hair, nor slovenly rough breath. There is no unique symbol of the so-called artist on his body. There are only fresh short hair and a clean face. From "standing up" to "not confused", and then to "knowing the destiny of heaven", Wu Decai has been fresh and clean in appearance and simple and pure in heart for decades. Just like him, this kind of Wu Decai has completely subverted my inherent impression of artists. However, Wu Decai, who is so ordinary, has a passionate heart of art. He is willing to be ordinary and pursue unremittingly on the road of art. There is no doubt that such an ordinary Wu Decai is the most impressive. In his decades of long time, no matter how the times change, he is still the most real Wu Decai.


Mr. Wu Decai lived in a beautiful mountain village in the south of Anhui Province since he was a child. The beautiful mountains and waters in his hometown and the mysterious and wonderful nature deeply influenced his young soul. Since he was young, he has determined to use his brush to depict the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. He has been in the embrace of nature all the year round. He has studied and practiced hard, which not only makes him appreciate and feel the beauty of nature, but also improves his inner character and artistic self-cultivation in his infatuated pursuit of art, which is still displayed in his exquisite paintings and calligraphy works. Its rich colors, magnificent style, unique style and strong appeal of calligraphy and painting works, is a beautiful performance of the nature of the mountains and pines, giving people a magnificent, magnificent, beautiful beauty.


他的这双手被炎热的榕城读懂,被冰天雪地的皖北读懂,更被奔流向前的岁月读懂。然而他并没有停下他匆匆而又执著的脚步,几十年如一日。 他的双眼总给我时光荏苒的感觉,从他那双明净清澈的眼睛里我读懂了坚持不懈与学无止境。

Wu Decai, an independent craftsman, is so different and independent. Every day insist on getting up at 5:30, writing and painting, rain or shine. On the basis of inheriting the excellent tradition of ancient Chinese painting, he pushed the application of calligraphy and painting art and seal cutting technology to a new height, studied hard and pursued assiduously, and constantly let the dream of art fly in the palace of painting This is absolutely no small miracle. How can an accomplished painter and calligrapher not be respected if he is still so diligent and diligent?  

His hands were read by the hot Rongcheng, by the ice and snow of Northern Anhui, but also by the years of rushing forward. However, he did not stop his hasty and persistent steps for decades. His eyes always give me the feeling that time flies. From his clear and clear eyes, I can understand perseverance and endless learning.









His works have won many awards

In 1993, he entered the Beijing Olympic first international painting and calligraphy exhibition. In 1994, his works were recognized as a special class of calligraphy and painting by the China international literature and art works Expo. In 1999, his works were included in the exhibition to commemorate the 2550 years of Confucius' birthday. In 2005, his works won the first prize of the Eighth International Calligraphy and painting aesthetic exhibition. In 2005, his Chinese paintings were exhibited in 2005 In 2007, he won the honorary title of "Ten Outstanding calligraphers in contemporary China"

永不停歇,画中行走 ,他既是书法家又是画家,令人惊讶的是他的绘画之路是早于他的书法创作。吴德才生于安徽的一个乡村,农村的厚重朴实造就了他博大宽广的胸怀,同样农村的乡土人情和风景秀丽、如诗如画的安徽风光也为他日后的绘画提供了源源不断的写作素材。生于斯长于斯的吴德才,自幼就深受当地艺人的影响和徽派艺术的熏陶,并与书画艺术结下了不解之缘。由于他聪明好学、功底深厚,从小在临摹李公麟、吴昌硕、齐白石、黄宾虹、徐悲鸿、溥心畲、潘天寿、张大千、傅抱石、《芥子原画谱》、石鲁诸家等古人名作中掌握了绘画技法,汲取百家之长,而越出古人的成法。 

He is not only a calligrapher but also a painter. What is surprising is that his painting road is earlier than his calligraphy creation. Wu Decai was born in a rural area of Anhui Province. The massiness and simplicity of the countryside created his broad and broad mind. Similarly, the rural customs, beautiful scenery and picturesque Anhui scenery also provided him with endless writing materials for his future paintings. Wu Decai, who was born and grew up in Suzhou, was deeply influenced by local artists and Huizhou art since he was young, and he has an indissoluble bond with calligraphy and painting art. Because of his intelligence and deep learning, he mastered painting techniques in copying famous ancient works such as Li Gonglin, Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi, Huang Binhong, Xu Beihong, Pu Xinyu, Pan Tianshou, Zhang Daqian, Fu Baoshi, mustard seed original painting spectrum, Shilu and other famous works, and learned the advantages of a hundred schools, and surpassed the ancient methods.

遗世独立的君子 ,他是淡菊一朵,淡雅而又美好。他是清莲一池,出淤泥而不染。他的画里常有梅兰菊竹莲这些意象,他一如既往地挚爱着,百画不厌。 


He is a light chrysanthemum, elegant and beautiful. He is a pool of pure lotus, out of mud but not stained. His paintings often contain such images as plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, bamboo and lotus, which he loves as always and never tire of painting. He is quiet by nature, and he seldom talks. He is low-key, modest and polite. Just like those beautiful things in his paintings, they are independent from the world and are not stained by the common customs. This is a noisy and noisy era. Some famous calligraphers and painters are busy writing and selling paintings and fishing for fame. However, Wu Decai, who was born in a peasant family, is still not moved by the secular world and is as quiet as a solid. He has carved seals for state leaders and heads of state for many times. His works are popular with collectors in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, the United States, France and other regions and countries. Foreign guests often call and write letters to make appointments to buy calligraphy and painting seals. It is worth mentioning that although Wu Decai's works often enter the auction house and are sold at high prices, it is hard to find thousands of gold. However, he often offers his own calligraphy and inscribes plaques for scenic spots, poverty-stricken students and schools at home and abroad, and his deeds are highly praised. He insisted on China China's one belt, one road initiative, which was painted by the state and painted the Chinese story with the wisdom and the brush in hand, to spread the excellent cultural traditions and the Chinese spirit of the Chinese nation. In reality, he always insists on himself, keeps away from fame and wealth, regards art as the whole value of life, and describes his colorful life with his brush in his hand. After more than 40 years of hard work, he recorded the local conditions and customs of his hometown and the mountains and rivers of the motherland with his own unique painting style. The gentleman's character makes his calligraphy and painting full of pure air. His paintings have the fragrance of orchids, yellow chrysanthemum and green bamboo

多才书法家 ,他擅长各种字体,且独具风格。他的楷书工整规范,干净利落,同时又坚实有力,流畅自然。他的草书“飘若浮云,矫若惊龙”,错综变化而又虚实相生。他的隶书苍劲而又隽秀,浑厚而又飘逸。他的行书“寓刚健于婀娜之中,行遒劲于婉媚之内”,收放自如,苍劲多姿。他的篆书典重严整,而又不失雄拔之气。 


Versatile calligrapher, he is good at all kinds of fonts, and unique style. His regular script is neat and standard, neat, firm and powerful, fluent and natural at the same time. His cursive script is "floating like a floating cloud, as if startling a dragon", with complex changes and the combination of reality and reality. His official script is vigorous and meaningful, vigorous and elegant. His running script "contains vigorous in graceful, elegant in line", easy to put in and out, vigorous and colorful. His seal script is strict and neat without losing the masculine spirit. In calligraphy, Wu De CAI was so proficient in calligraphy that he cultivated intensively and had profound attainments. He has the advantages of many families, but he can find a new way. His three benefactors are the first Chinese calligraphy Orchid Pavilion Lifetime Achievement Award, contemporary famous calligraphy and seal Carver pan Zhulan, lifelong honorary president of Fuzhou painting academy and national first-class artist Zheng Nai Yao, and contemporary famous calligrapher and seal Carver Mr. Zhou Zhewen. I remember that in 1999, when I visited the above three famous artists and asked them to buy calligraphy and painting works, the three masters joked with me that you shouldn't always stare at the works of our veteran artists. You should go to your hometown Wu Decai to buy calligraphy and painting works. His works are better than blue After seeing Wu Decai's calligraphy and painting works, the chairman of China Artists Association gladly inscribed the four characters of "dream pen glowing" and took a group photo with him. The high evaluation of the four masters is very rare in the field of calligraphy and painting.



上一篇:聚焦中国当代艺术家形象大使——杨玉旺 下一篇:中国特产纸包鸡香飘东盟十国和非洲地区

