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王天晞  1946年出生于西安,祖籍山西运城解虞孙常;学历研究生。曾任职军事博物馆办公室主任、陈列宣教部部长兼研究馆员,连任四届全军和国家课题室主任;中国博物馆学会、军事学会、楹联学会、北京诗词学会会员,解放军红叶诗社社员,西北大学特聘教授,莲花诗社社长等。


Wang tianxi was born in xi 'an in 1946. Graduate degree. He once served as the director of the office of the military museum, the director of the display propaganda department and the research librarian. He is a member of Chinese museum society, military society, couplet society, Beijing poetry society, member of the red leaf poetry society of the people's liberation army, distinguished professor of northwest university, President of lotus poetry society, etc.




Art life:

 Since 1960s, he has been the deputy managing editor of northwestern university newspaper and published works. 70 years of enlisting in the army news editorial; On cultivation theory in the 1980s; Since the 1990s, the PLA has undertaken four consecutive military research projects. He has compiled and published the book of China's wars, a subject of the PLA's eighth five-year plan, and the history of China's war history, a subject of the PLA's ninth five-year plan, and the military career of MAO zedong. Adhering to the famous teacher's doctrine of "learning the book is regular, self-curation", we have been in the pool for years. Books have been published, exhibited and collected, and won prizes. During my tenure at the turn of the century, I led the team in preparing for the construction of the museum, which was rated as one of the top ten national fine art exhibitions and won the highest prize in the field of culture and exhibition. Later, he undertook and edited the national social science project, "the origins of Chinese philosophy of war in the past dynasties", which won the excellent achievement award of military scientific research of the PLA. He compiled and published the atlas of the history of Chinese wars, and served as deputy editor of the original books of the state and director of the editing and editing office. He won the second national excellent book award.







Artistic achievements:

 In March 2011, he won the nomination award of the second China publishing government award and the annual design peixiu award. After retirement, I devoted myself to the study of Chinese poetry and calligraphy. In the spring of 2017, he won the medal of "calligraphy ambassador for peace for public welfare" of the United Nations organizing committee for the promotion of sustainable development goals. In 2018, he was honored as "boao contemporary Chinese artist of virtue and art" by the first Chinese traditional culture person of the year summary and commendation conference. The books were collected. In 2019, he participated in the celebration of the 70th birthday of the People's Republic of China and was awarded "ten" by the Chinese association for the promotion of painting and calligraphy. "Artistic pacesetter"; One of; He was awarded the honorary title of "the gate of the great artisan - one of the six art masters" by Chinese painting and calligraphy yellow pages and China national ceremony publishing house, and was issued with a medal certificate.


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